Wednesday, March 7, 2012

can i use single function for a big project ??...


I wnat to write a single function in code behind file for all DML operation, and i just want to pass query string in its parameter. but when ever my whole project will use this function to insert, update and delete. what will be the performance.

bool DMLoperation(string str){obj.conn =new SqlConnection(obj.connstring);obj.cmd =new SqlCommand(str,obj.conn);obj.conn.Open();try{if(obj.cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0){obj.conn.Close();return true;}else{obj.conn.Close();return false;}}catch{obj.conn.Close();return false;}}

I am totally confused about performance, is it good idea or worst ?.

Are you going to create a SQL manager for your project?
seems it's better for you to overload SQL object other then just pass-in the sql string and execute (just my opinion)

What i can only share is my company did the same things, ie. build a customized SQL manager for SQL execution,
although performace is a key issue, you should also consider other benfit that come from this design; such as you
can run extra SQL within each SQL call, such as SQL logging;

if you build the Manager in clean and well design, i believe performance is not a problem.

Hope this help


My dear, can you send some snippet of code, to use by overloading SQL object, It may be help me

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