Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Can not deploy calculation...


I had a calculated measure which simply tries to create a Margin Profit. This is the simply Measure divided by another measure. The problem is that when I try to deploy this measure with a Parent Hierarchy of measures it will not deploy I get the error like this:

Errors and Warnings from Response
MdxScript(SSAS) (7, 8) The 'Measures' dimension contains more than one hierarchy, therefore the hierarchy must be explicitly specified.


Hello. Can you explain what you mean by "Parent hierarchy of measures"?

For this calculation ([Margin Profit] = [Measures].[Sales]/[Measures].[Cost]) should be sufficient.


Thomas Ivarsson


I've seen the error you specified occur when the cube collation sequence has "case sensitivity" set, and the name of the measures dimension in the MDX expression didn't match the case of measures as specified in the cube. As an example:

measures.[A Measure Name] = resulted in the error

Measures.[A Measure Name] = processed correctly.

Note the capital "M" in the second measures specification. Don't know ifthis is your problem, but it is one time when I have seen the error you reported.



Hi PGoldy,

Thanks for your information.

I had to try to change the [MEASURES] to [Measures], it's work I can deploy it.

thanks very much for your help.


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