Well, it's happened again. An upgrade to SQL server was released without my having any idea about it. SP2 came out today and the only way I knew it was I happened to see a headline on Yahoo. Similar things have happened in the past with HotFixes or security rollups. Sometimes it's rather embarrassing, especially when your boss challenges you on the most recent security updates for SQL. Is there any way which we can be notified of new upgrades/updates to SQL Server? I need to know when there is a new hotfix, update, service pack, or whatever so that I can install it as needed. So far, the only way I've found these was by accident. I'm signed up with the Microsoft Download Notification email list, so I was able to see that SP2 CTPs were released, but I've never seen it include hotfixes or rollups.
If something like a SQL update notification service doesn't exist, then I would ask that Microsoft look at putting one together. Thank you!
The download notifications only send out once a week according to the site. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/render.aspx?content=notifications&displaylang=en
Another good way would be to check out the SQL Server Release Services blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlreleaseservices/) or the other SQL sites linked from Microsoft.com http://www.microsoft.com/sql, http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql, and http://msdn.microsoft.com/sql.
Sam Lester (MSFT)
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